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Easy NFT Documentation

Quick Start:

Assuming you have all your layers separated into different folders and a layer key to know what layers go where open Easy NFT.

Click File (if it's not already opened) and then click -File Locations-.

Click Parts Path and on the far right after the path field click Open.

The file browser will open to the Streaming Assets folder that you can drag your layer folders into.

Once your layer folders are in the Streaming Assets folder close and reopen Easy NFT (this is so the application can refresh itself with the new folders added).

Again in File under -File Locations- click Parts Path and check that your folders are still there. Then click Created Path and on the far right after the path field click Open. This will be the destination folder where all your metadata and images will generate to. This folder by default will create four folders here over time SavedProjects, _CreatedAssets, _CreatedData, _Manifests. Nothing else to do in this folder just yet so just remember this is where things will go.

Back in Easy NFT you can go down the -File Locations- list and click the remaining Assets, Data, and Manifest to set the default paths.

Now click -File Locations- to minimize it and then click File to minimize the options.

Now on the Right in the Layers Panel you can begin to fill out the layers that make up your collection. Best to start with the bottom most layer and work your way up but it is up to you.

Layer Step 1: Fill in the Name for the attribute in the Layer Name field then below that the Layer Order number (lower numbers will be below higher numbers).

You can then use the dropdown to pick your Subfolder for your layer or collections folder.

If you had all your layers in a collection folder then you would choose the layers folder in the Parts Folder dropdown.

Once the folder is selected there is a Preload Assets button that is orange with a green * in it click that to load in the layer parts.

If they loaded correctly you should be able to click the Preview Random button to cycle randomly through those parts.

You can also click the box next to Preview Random to see the list of parts loaded for that layer if anything in that list is not needed you can toggle it off. Click the box next to Preview Random again to close the list.

Now at the bottom click Add Layer and repeat Layer Step 1 until all layers are added.

Then at the top of the Layer Panel on the left side of the Generate Batch button in an Input Amount, fill in a test amount of 10 and click Generate Batch. You should see all the layer combinations start to randomly generate. When the progress has completed generating you can see the results in the _CreatedAssets folder mentions earlier in -File Locations-.

You can run larger tests to check layering. Then once you are ready you can set the generate amount to the amount you want.

After all the created images are checked over we can move on to adjusting the metadata.

Navigate to the _CreatedData folder and open one of the json files. You should see that this file contains the attributes as well as other info fields that need to be updated for the corresponding image number in the _CreatedAssets folder.

Back in Easy NFT open File and -JSON Panel-. This is the panel that you can fill in the details about your NFT such as name, description, website link, etc.

For the name keep in mind that it will append the number of the file at the end. So if you name it:

Happy Face #

it will look like Happy Face #1 in the metadata for the name of that NFT.

Description can be a short paragraph of what the NFTs are all about. You can use \n\n for line breaks to separate other paragraphs as needed and 

[Half Super Shop](

for clickable links. Other Markdown is supported but I personally haven't tested everything but here is a link to someone that has Markdown Cheat Sheet Output and here is the metadata example.

External URL can be your collections website or a link to anything you want.

Image field will need to be the folder location you are hosting the NFTs typically something like IPFS using Pinata. For IPFS hosted content you can use the simple structure of ipfs:// followed by your folders CID and end it with a backslash. So for example it could look like this: ipfs://QmW2ojHVvsDYpA525w4GfSBBRmGSmazW7ncLSnnbzmgbZZ/

The next two fields are not necessary but could be helpful for future use when royalties for NFTs are tied directly to the NFT itself. You can fill in a percentage up to 10 and then in the next field enter the wallet or splitter address.

Once each of those fields are filled in you can click Update JSON. This will update each file in _CreatedData to reflect the entered data. If you get a popup that says 0 files updated then that means you didn't click the Data path button in -File Locations-.

Now check over your Metadata and ensure it is all correct before moving on to this next step. Now would also be a good time to save a backup of your _CreatedData folder in another location by copying it and pasting it in a folder elsewhere.

Now if yo want to update a specific attribute to a numeric value you can use the functionality below Update JSON button by putting in the index of the attributes array in the field and selecting the display type option of your choice. Then click Convert Trait Value to update that attributes index. Repeat this for each index you wish to update. Keep in mind if something gets messed up at least you saved a backup to copy back over _CreatedData to start over.

Now that the metadata is complete you can then load your _CreatedData metadata folder into the hosting platform of your choice. The platform should be similar to where you hosted the images folder such as IPFS using Pinata.

That should be it for the creating side of the NFT now to get it onto the blockchain you will need to create a Smart Contract to handle returning the URI of each token ID. This can be a pretty trivial task if you are unfamiliar with coding and or how the backend blockchain stuff works. I've helped quite a few projects in this space so if you need help feel free to reach out for a quote or suggestions.

End of Quick Start

Layer Name Codes and Tips:

Details as shown in Easy NFT Generator:
The Layer Name will be the Trait Type of
the Images used for this layer. The Image
Names will be the Trait Values.
If you wish to exclude this layer from being
added on the attributes put a ! before the name.

Other Tricks:
For a random number value for this trait use:


Format,Prefix,Suffix, and % are optional and 
can be blank.

% is a chance to use image name instead of a random number value. 
For randomized names separate them with

a | character. For example !range_Name1|Name2|Name3(0,100),,,

For time based on a rotation of a layer use:

For randomized Trait Type names use:
Then separate the names with the | character.


End of Layer Name Codes and Tips

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